Bouquet of Roses Candle Set
Introducing the exquisite Bouquet of Roses Candle Set, a perfect blend of artistry and fragrance to elevate your space. Crafted by Voluspa, renowned for its commitment to quality, this unique candle set is a harmonious fusion of aesthetics and aromatherapy.
The Bouquet of Roses Candle Set features Voluspa's signature coconut wax blend, meticulously hand-poured into a charming 1.8 oz. glass vessel. The vessel is a work of art, adorned with a captivating 3D geometric cube pattern. The color palette of the glass vessel harmonizes seamlessly with the rose-inspired fragrance and the thoughtfully designed packaging.
Designed for both sensory delight and visual appeal, the candle is topped with a matching lid. Beyond its decorative function, the lid keeps the candle pristine, free from dust when not in use. The single wick design ensures an impressive fragrance throw that lasts for approximately 15 hours, allowing you to indulge in the alluring scent of roses.
Hand-poured with care in the United States, the candles showcase Voluspa's proprietary coconut wax blend, renowned for its clean-burning properties. The 100% natural wick enhances the overall eco-friendly appeal of our products. We take pride in ensuring that our candles are free from harmful elements such as phthalates, pesticides, parabens, and sulfates. Plus, our commitment to cruelty-free practices means our candles are never tested on animals.
Transform your space with the Bouquet of Roses Candle Set and revel in the delicate, long-lasting fragrance that permeates the air for 15 hours with each burn. After the last enchanting flicker, up-cycle this best-seller into a cherished keepsake. The imperial dimensions of 2.8" in diameter and 2" in height (metric dimensions: 72mm x 50mm) make it a perfect addition to any room, providing a touch of sophistication and luxury.